Blade Flurry bugs

For starters, you can't rotate blade flurry like before. You seem to get locked in certain positions. Secondly, blade flurry hits don't seem to be registering (different from d-sync). Blade flurry stacks seem to cancel out of no where while channelling. It just feels very clunky.
Last bumped on Jan 19, 2021, 12:44:03 PM
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Yeah same here, its unplayable :/
can confirm
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Yes, i also notice that blade flurry became a lot more clunky, when there is a enemy nearby it's became locked to it, and you cant rotate, it's feels really bad.
ign: Bikvin
Thanks for your report, we'll look into this. Something's gone weird here.
same here, hits dont register (im playing on lockstep, like 2500 accuracy,95% chance to hit), cant rotate, sometimes BF drops even if im holding attack key
Never forget - "With dexterous feet and steady eye, stones and arrows pass you by"
Last edited by fataleast#7419 on Jun 10, 2019, 7:55:32 PM
My cursor isn't very visible but you can see how blade flurry is getting "locked". Back then you could freely rotate blade flurry as fast as you want. Seems to lock onto the target and channelling makes it wonky.
I am having issues with Blade Flurry as well. I've used this skill for several leagues but it feels almost unplayable at the moment. Hits don't register, channeling not giving BF stacks, list goes on.
Any update?
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